Thanks to an introduction by the inimitable Margaret Anna Alice, I had the great honor of yapping yesterday for two delightful hours with Doc Malik, the freedom fighter, podcaster, substacker, and orthopedic surgeon who lost his career during the pandemic for the crime of having medical ethics. (If you’re not following Doc or MAA or both, please take a moment to do so. You won’t regret it.) We talked about everything from how to stay happily married without killing your spouse (or wanting to) to the great Convid-19 scam. As Doc is a fellow fringy conspiracy theorist, the topic naturally turned to controlled opposition—particularly in the wake of Dr. Mike Yeadon’s explosive comments this week about ivermectin.
Yeadon didn’t just claim that ivermectin doesn’t work to prevent or treat Covid (which would have been a grand departure in itself); he called it one of the most violent fertility toxins he’s ever seen.
[*and the Controlled Opposition Crowd goes wild!*]
Sure, the former Pfizer VP previously called ivermectin “one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials,” but you see, he didn’t know. He only learned of its perilous toxicity three weeks ago, and now he’s rushing to tell us, to save us from this unexpected twist in the globalist plot to end humanity!
I’m not saying there isn’t one of those, incidentally, but I’ll get to that part. First, in Dr. Yeadon’s words (all emphasis mine):
“You know there was a, you know, “Team Hero,” the alternative media people. Not me; the people who are 100 times more famous around the world. I won’t mention names but you all know who I’m thinking, many doctors who are Americans. And as soon as the pandemic arrived, they came out with ‘early treatment for Covid 19’, didn’t they? And they pushed and pushed and pushed. At first I thought there was a virus, and I thought it was great that they were coming up with treatments.
Then later when I realized there wasn’t, I thought, why are they pushing this stuff? They’re pushing harmless placebos on the ‘worried well’ and they’re providing a belief structure that there really is a pandemic, otherwise why would these clever people be going out of their way to sell you this stuff?
Unfortunately, it’s much worse than that. One of the center stage drugs they want you to take, ivermectin, is one of the most violent fertility toxins I’ve [whispers] ever come across. And I didn’t know this because like you, you probably didn’t think to do the deep research, and I didn’t.”
The author of this substack pauses to stare into the abyss after reading that,
hoping it won’t blink back.
“So then someone contacted me a few weeks ago with a bloody great dossier of papers that go back from its discovery, and unquestionably at and around the doses you’re being suggested to take in rats and rabbits and in some limited studies in humans, it reduces the ability to conceive and to grow babies to term. And doesn’t it fit? Doesn’t it fit? There’s nothing that’s major on the world stage that’s accidental, I’m afraid. That’s the problem. Now you know there’s nothing that’s major on the world stage that’s accidental.
Who put ivermectin there? Well, the perpetrators did. Why did they put it there? It’s like, ‘if you don’t get jabbed and avoid impact on fertility, a good chunk of you will take ivermectin instead.’”
Doesn’t it fit? Doesn’t it?
So, just to unpack this a bit: A bunch of unnamed American doctors (hi, Pierre!) who began pushing (and pushing and pushing) ivermectin early in the pandemic—a move Dr. Yeadon supported at the time, because like you he hadn’t had time to research yet!—did so because they wanted to help the globalists figure out a *different* way to stop the people who were smart enough to shun the jab from reproducing! Yes, they met in some secret place, where they studied dozens—maybe thousands?—of inexpensive, off-patent medications to find one that was violently toxic to fertility, and began loudly singing its praises. And the part where they got fired for prescribing it and the government tried to ban it and a massive campaign was waged against it and the science to support it was bastardized while the science to deny it was simultaneously fabricated?
That was all part of the great psyop, you ninnies!!! Try to keep up [eyeroll].
Sure, there are plenty of well-established violent fertility toxins (antibiotics, antipsychotics, immunosuppressants, steroids, opioids, and contraceptives, to name a few), but using any of those would have been way too obvious. No, these clever American doctors—while pretending to treat thousands of Covid patients but secretly keeping them unwell so they could later sell them anti-reproduction pills at thirteen cents a pop—had to find something much more subtle, something considered universally safe (even though it’s not mwahahahaha!), something that people would be willing to drive to Mexico to get or try to calculate the human dosage from the equine version or order directly—using PayPal!—from some super-sketchy website with a name like BuyIvermectinForHumans*.
*I’m not saying I buy ivermectin from this site. I’m not not saying it either. ;)
Oh, and even though Dr. Yeadon came out early in the pandemic with guns blazing and his pharmacology resume taped to his forehead, waving his former-Pfizer employee badge and bragging about his extensive expertise in drug development, just like you, he didn’t do the deep research. Whoops!
In Dr. Yeadon’s defense, he does not believe Covid-19 exists. Consequently, to him, any talk of “early treatment for it” is irrational. Where we agree is that there are likely some shady, high-level shenanigans going on and that-thing-we-call-Covid was and is a useful weapon in the enemy’s arsenal. Where we disagree is on the importance of distinguishing an irrational treatment from a dangerous one. (And do note, if he’s able to prove that IVM is the fertility boogeyman, I will graciously and publicly concede that.)
I’ve followed Dr. Yeadon from the early days, and one of the things I actually admired was his screw-you-I’m-right-you’re-all-wrong-and-you’ll-be-sorry attitude. It felt… sincere. Courageous. Believable. In a piece he penned for The Conservative Woman (TCW) in 2021, Yeadon wrote what some might call a gushing love letter to ivermectin. (I know! But remember, he only got the new info three weeks ago!) Here’s what he said back then (again, all emphasis mine):
“Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease, in multiple independent clinical trials of varying quality.”
Dr. Yeadon goes on to explain at length some of the dastardly things “they” tried to do to keep information about ivermectin from reaching the public and to irreparably tarnish its formerly stellar reputation, should any favorable snippets sneak through despite their herculean efforts to destroy it.
“I am telling you about this, because all that governments, their scientific advisers, big pharma (here’s Merck, who originally developed & marketed it) and regulatory agencies will tell you is that ivermectin doesn’t work in Covid-19.
They are lying. I am inviting any of them to sue me, but they won’t, for I would win easily.”
Speaking of a positive ivermectin paper written and accepted (and then mysteriously rejected and ultimately pulled) by Frontiers in Pharmacology, Yeadon refers to the authors as “the FLCCC group of US intensivists (whose survival rates for severe Covid-19 are best in class).”
Incidentally, they were.
But then, you know, that bloody great dossier of papers magically appeared (From where? He forgot to say!) and now Yeadon’s got the Controlled Opposition Camp squealing with delight. They were right! They knew all those doctors peddling cheap, repurposed drugs were up to no good.
And the bloody great dossier of papers proves it!
Back in 2021, Yeadon charged the same folks he’s now accusing of pushing fertility killers with… wait for it… being too polite to call out the patently nefarious narrative. I’m not making this up. (All emphasis… oh, you know.)
“To date, despite the brains, expertise and stature of those scientists questioning the official Covid-19 narrative, as a group they quite patently have been ineffective. And this is unlikely to change while, as polite professionals, they won’t say: ‘This is corruption and they’re lying deliberately to scare the people.’ Furthermore, unwittingly, they have been playing the parts intended by those, including our own Government and their advisers, who control the global Covid narrative.”
So they were pawns all along, see? Unwitting pawns at first, but then somebody got to them—perhaps with a bloody great dossier of… pink slips? Medical board decertification notices? It’s hard to say—and now they’re Team Bad Guy! Makes perfect sense (if you’re off your bloody rocker or perhaps have some ulterior motive? IDK).
Let me acknowledge here that changing one’s mind is not illegal, immoral, or a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s quite the opposite: an indication of great intelligence and humility. And it’s clear that Dr. Yeadon cares about (and is terrified for, with excellent cause) humanity. But what I cannot figure out is why-oh-why one of the most trusted voices in health freedom would make such an outrageous and potentially profound accusation in an almost offhand way. If he’s correct, wouldn’t this be considered a Public Health Emergency of International Concern?
Dr. Tess Lawrie (another vocal IVM proponent and not an American, FWIW) addressed the wild accusations in her substack (with a follow-up just this morning), and also offered to have a sit-down with Dr. Y. Dr. Lawrie brings up several key points, two of which I’ll highlight here but I encourage you to read the full post:
“If the globalists are secretly pro-ivermectin and are delighted that its widespread use for worms and other infections, inflammation, and cancer will contribute to genocide, why are all the doctors who use ivermectin being censored and losing their licences? Why aren’t we being embraced into the globalist fold and showered with Gates’ money and media coverage?
Having been given billions of times worldwide, ivermectin clearly hasn’t managed to wipe us out yet so doesn’t seem to be a very good genocidal tool if it is such. Through our air, food and water, there are many more direct ways the globalists can harm and are harming us. In addition, they’re angling for more and forced lipid nanoparticle (LNP) biotech products to be given by our governments to us in the guise of ‘vaccines’.”
Solid arguments, if you ask me.
(You may recall that Dr. Lawrie had another pro-ivermectin colleague suddenly and inexplicably turn into a raging skeptic mid-pandemic; she documented it beautifully in the short but incredibly damning film, Dear Andy; the story got its own chapter in The War on Ivermectin, too.)
On the X post linked above, Yeadon does have supporters, as one might expect.
There are also many (read: far more) comments from folks who are skeptical of Yeadon’s claims—and his about-face:
I could play the copy-and-paste game all day—and I’ll admit that I know exactly nothing about ivermectin and fertility, save the actual studies Dr. Lawrie has shared—but something about this “bombshell” feels fishy. Maybe Dr. Yeadon will produce the BGD [bloody great dossier] and write his own scientific paper and then the experts can have a proper, rigorous, well-referenced debate. Until then, I’ll be over here studying the growing body of evidence that suggests in addition to successfully, repeatedly treating Covid, ivermectin is looking like a potent anticancer agent, too.
Obviously, I could be wrong. Something else Doc and I discussed was the Cult of Covid; how many of us—myself included—have hung our hats or our hopes on this belief or that one, and getting us to budge is damned-near-impossible. (An attack on ivermectin, quite frankly, feels like an attack on me.) I’m open to that possibility, too. What do you think?
p.s. I left this comment on another substack gleefully celebrating the outing of the “fake Covid heroes” to address the BUT IVERMECTIN IS A PHARMA PRODUCT, TOO comments.

Let's see the choices we have:
Ivermectin to treat covid and maybe you become infertile.
Go to hospital with covid and be treated with the kill drug Remdesivir which will cause your kidneys to shut down, your lungs will fill with fluid, you will be put in a coma, and hooked up to a ventilator and the hospital with get $$$ when you die.
Looks like...Ivermectin for the win!
The clue is when claims are made and no evidence is presented. We are supposed to take Yeadon at his word that now what he and others have said previously is now wrong? Ivermectin has a long history of doing much good, to the detriment of Big Pharma. Since its nobel prize decades ago, if the fertility issue was a thing, we would have heard about this long ago. In the blame game of blame others for what you are guilty of, this sounds exactly like baseless claims against a product that is a threat to people running their own psyops. While I appreciate Yeadon's voice on things, his links to Pharma may be a part of this.
Until I see indisputable evidence that this is an issue, I am calling it another propaganda wave.
We need to also realize that a fertility toxin is not a problem for most of the population. I am way beyond my years of needing to be fertile. The Covid virus ignored people in the fertile years and the vaccine they provided likely caused fertility issues among other side effects like dying (myocarditis, blood clots, etc).