By now, everyone not living under a rock knows that thousands of mystery aircraft have been buzzing around New Jersey for the past few weeks, specifically and suspiciously around a US military research facility, a naval weapons station, the three major NYC-area airports, and a Trump golf course. Similar unidentified objects have since popped up over New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Maryland, and California, and just about anyone with a pulse has the same questions: Where are they coming from? What are they doing here? How panicky should we be?
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been making the media rounds singing the same tired, condescending song, the refrain of which goes like this:
“♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing, it’s nothing but a ruse;
your eyes belie you day and night, you silly little goose!♬”
Despite a complete media blackout on the development, witnesses over the weekend began reporting that at least three of the drones have fallen from the sky. The government denies that such a thing is happening ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing!♬ even though officials have issued warnings to “stay away from any downed drones” and instead notify law enforcement, the FBI, and the nearest bomb squad on the off chance you do happen upon some aerial wreckage.
Residents living in areas where the robotic birds are circling are understandably nervous. There are unconfirmed claims that some of the drones are spraying the skies with chemicals [adult language warning], which sounds sort of insane until you recall that China used drones to spritz public spaces with disinfecting chemicals during Covid. Lots of folks, including Trump, are calling for whatever-they-are to be shot down. And not even all of them! Maybe just one official one we can all agree on so we can at least figure out what we’re dealing with here?
Mayorkas insists people are making [flying] skyscrapers out of sandcastles.
“We believe there are cases of mistaken identity where drones are actually small aircraft and people are actually misidentifying them,” Mayorkas told a local New York CNN station. Actually, actually? ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing!♬ “There very well may be drones in the sky, but those are commercially available.”
May very well be? There have been over 5,000 drone sightings in the last month, with witnesses saying many are the size of SUVs, travel in groups, and hover in the same place for hours at a time. Bedford Township Mayor Michael Melham added that they “turn off the lights and evade police helicopters when approached” (a common description across all sightings), which I probably don’t need to point out could cause catastrophic aviation calamity.
“We haven’t seen anything unusual,” Mayorkas maintains. “We have not seen any unusual activity. We know of no threat or of any nefarious activity.”
Nothing unusual! ♬it’s nothing but a ruse♬ We see this every day! ♬your eyes belie you day and night♬ There’s obviously nothing threatening or nefarious going on here! ♬you silly little goose!♬
This from the Secretary of Homeland Security; the cabinet official tasked with safeguarding the country from threats and advising the president on security matters. Said president, you will be flabbergasted to learn, has had a grand total of zero words to say about this nonthreatening, non-security matter. None. Nada. Nought. Zed. Zilch. Bupkis. Diddly-squat. Sweet eff-all. But you know, the man’s undoubtedly very busy ruling the most powerful (?) nation in the world.
Imagine if you took your car to the shop because it was making a strange noise and your mechanic told you, “That noise? Totally harmless. Also I’ve never heard anything like it and I have no idea what’s causing it.”
No one—from TikTok to tip-top government officials—can seem to agree on the drones’ origin or intent. The Pentagon’s official position is that the craft are not property of the US military. (They also denied the existence of Area 51 for decades and played a pivotal role in Operation Warp Speed, so their track record on integrity and transparency is not exactly confidence-inspiring.) On the other hand, a drone expert who’s worked for the DOD and Lockheed Martin says they almost certainly do belong to our military, and since I have more faith in a paper umbrella in a tsunami than the Pentagon, I’d put my money on him. Our defense experts also insist that they definitely are not being launched from an Iranian ‘mothership’, despite what that one congressman on the committee that oversees the Federal Aviation Administration (among other transportation offices) has heard from “high sources.” Trifling matters like how exactly the Pentagon has ruled these things out or how they can confidently say what something isn’t when they don’t know what it is, also have not been addressed.
A former CIA officer believes the drones are part of a classified exercise. The CEO of Saxon Aerospace thinks its possible they may be searching for a lost Ukrainian nuclear warhead, adding that “the only reason you’d fly an unmanned aircraft at night is if you’re looking for something.” Journalist John Leake presented a similar, albeit more sinister, hypothesis on his substack yesterday: “I would not be surprised if a so-called “dirty bomb” combining conventional explosives with radioactive material is detonated in the greater New York area, with Russia (or Iran) blamed for it,” he wrote—so that the US can declare war on Russia and/or impose martial law before Trump can be sworn in. Conspiratorial Report (@CnsprtrlRprt) on X says conclusively that the drones are military equipment that have been hijacked by AI.
Finally there’s that (conspiracy) theory that makes an alarming amount of sense: It’s all a big, fat PSYOP. Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin, authors of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey, have laid out compelling evidence that the drone invasion is a trap; a carefully orchestrated plot to expand government control. They write:
The DoD’s seeming helplessness in the face of the drones is a scheme to give them more control over domestic drones and hence more control over American citizens. The globalists need our nation more under the control of the military in order to crush America on its way to increasing its world governance. Right now, the DoD is pushing for new legislation to allow it to more closely monitor and to shoot down drones, which will give the military a greater foothold within the nation itself. Think of how 911 and the anthrax attack in DC were used to push forward the Patriot Act which became a huge weapon against freedom in America.
Retired physician and ufologist Dr. Steven Greer agrees, maintaining that it’s not our government but a corrupt, covert transnational operation running the drone program. Greer claims to have solid specials ops intel that the drones are part of a series of predictable, diversionary false flag events designed to confuse the public, politicians, and the Pentagon and which will culminate in a fake, worldwide “alien invasion” to usher in the dreaded NWO.
The either patently clueless or brazenly corrupt White House announced at a press briefing last Thursday that it has reviewed the reported sightings and that ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing♬ “many of the drones are actually manned aircraft being flown lawfully.”
Me: How many is many? And what about the rest? Are they authorized or unauthorized? Legal or Illegal? There are thousands of them. Not showing up on any flight logs. Appearing and disappearing willy-nilly and evading police helicopters.
Just to make sure I wasn’t overreacting, I asked ChatGPT if it’s lawful for aircraft to do any of these things.
This, of course, is how the current administration operates, taking its cues straight out of Gaslighting for Dummies, from which they frequently pull reality-bending statements such as “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” “the Afghanistan withdraw was an extraordinary success,” “we’re following the science,” “masks work,” “our border is secure,” and “vaccines are safe and effective.” ♬You’re not seeing what you’re seeing!♬
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So, to recap:
Reporter: Where are these drones coming from?
Mayorkas: Great question. No idea. But for sure not the US government or Iran.
Reporter: Are they dangerous?
Mayorkas: Absolutely not.
Reporter: How can you say that if you have no idea what they are or where they’re coming from?
Mayorkas: Because we can.
Reporter: You’ve said this is not unusual; when exactly have we seen something like this before?
Mayorkas: Literally never.
Reporter: What can you tell us about these drones definitively?
Mayorkas: Only that there’s nothing to worry about.
I was thinking about this whole ridiculous fustercluck this morning and once again praising the heavens for the wake-up call that was Covid. Because there was a time in my own not-too-distant past when I’d have heard that exact interview and not even questioned it. “Oh, good,” dumb, numb, pre-pandemic Jenna would likely have thought. “I’m so glad there’s nothing to worry about!”
Feisty, unafraid-of-controversy congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene took to X to express her frustration and disdain (and later called the Pentagon '“full of crap” for feigning ignorance).
Homeowners are threatening to take matters into their own hands if officials don’t do something soon. (TBH, I’m surprised this hasn’t already happened in Texas, where “we don’t call 911” isn’t just a doormat slogan.) New York Governor Kathy Hochul is demanding answers. Columnist David Marcus astutely called the drone debacle “the perfect end to Biden’s ‘you don’t need to know’ presidency.”
What’s your take on these puzzling flying phenomena? (I’m torn between dirty bomb and PSYOP, in case you were wondering.) Unleash in the comments. :)
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As a person with a private pilots license who also owns a drone, I can say this:
The category of 'recreational drone flying' is limited to keeping it in sight (without binoculars), under 400 feet above ground level and you must mark your drone with FAA registration and it must have Remote ID capability (communicates with FAA and other aircraft).
If you aren't flying recreational rules, then you need to have a part 107 license. This includes anyone who wants to fly over people. Do anything for pay. Fly beyond line of sight. Enter controlled airspace (around airports and military bases). To get a part 107 license, you need to take and pass a course similar to the course to become a private pilot. It covers weather, flight theory, airspace rules, and more.
If you have a part 107 license and want to fly near an airport, you will need to ask the FAA for permission to enter the airspace. This is almost always granted as their job is to separate aircraft, not deny entry.
Due to these rules, there is no way that all these drones are operating where they are without knowledge of FAA and possibly other agencies. If it wasn't, they would have been 'taken care of'. So that rules out Iran and private parties. It is clearly a government operation (or government contractor). By refusing to say what is going on, means that they are doing things they don't want you to know they are doing.
I’m more on the dispersing the contagion/chemical/poison bandwagon of drone nefariousness. They’ve been up there for weeks now. If they were looking for a dirty bomb they’d have found it by now. They’re flying over densely populated areas. In blue states. Where it would be easy to panic people again causing hysteria. And a liberal public who will happily go along with any freedom stealing measures the gubbermint says will save them. There’s a reason they’re not flying out over the red states where the good ol’ boys will shoot those suckers down while drinking a beer and barbecuing some steaks. It would be a drone downing party.